Drone Laser Game

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Robotic Laser Game
Short Description: The goal of the project is to develop a laser game between flying drones, one of which autonomous and the other remotely controlled.
Coordinator: AndreaBonarini (andrea.bonarini@polimi.it)
Tutor: AndreaBonarini (andrea.bonarini@polimi.it)
Students: AlbertoVettolani (a.vetto89@hotmail.it), MarcoVisconti (visco.marco@gmail.com)
Research Area: Robotics
Research Topic: Robogames
Start: 04/04/2013
End: 30/04/2014
Status: Closed
Level: Ms
Type: Thesis

The goal of the project is to develop a laser game between flying drones, one of which autonomous and the other remotely controlled.




We used the Arduino board nano to manage sensors. They are:

  • sharp gp2d12 proximity sensor x4
  • mb1240 sonar sensor x2

CRIUS All in one pro v2.0

AIOP is the flight controller board. The firmwire we used is MultiWii.


Here the page.

O-Droid U2

Is the core of our application. It evaluates all the logic behind the autonomous flight. All other components are connected to O-Droid. Here the page for specific information about it.


We built a circuit with the WiiCam to recognize the other drone.

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