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Revision as of 15:51, 17 April 2008 by GiulioFontana (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to AIRWiki!

AIRWiki is AIRLab's wiki. It was born as a tool for teachers, researchers and students to share information about projects in an easy and quick way. However, it quickly evolved into a display of the activities of the Lab too: you are invited to browse this wiki, to discover what we at the AIRLab are working on.

Research areas

At the AIRLab we work on a very broad range of topics, organized in these areas:


Research work in the above areas is done within projects. Details about active and finished projects are available at the Projects page.

How do I access the contents of this wiki?

AIRWiki is conceptually composed of two layers: a public layer and a private layer.

  • The public layer contains a description of the activities of the AIRLab, and is visible by through the internet.
  • The private layer can be accessed, and modified, by registered users only.

In practice, the public layer is the main namespace of AIRWiki: this includes the Main Page you are currently looking at and all the web pages that open when you click on a link within AIRWiki. The private layer, on the other hand, is the set of all the other namespaces defined within AIRWiki: e.g. User pages (namespace User) or Discussion pages (namespace Talk).

AIRWiki, as implicit in the concept of wiki, is a work in progress, but its public layer is (relatively) stable and describes the Lab and the projects we work on. The private pages of AIRWiki contain the notes of the people who are presently working on those projects. Such notes, when ready and suitably distilled, will eventually end up in public pages; by now, access to them is restricted to registered users.

Registered users are the people who work in the AIRLab, i.e. teachers, researchers and students. They can access both public and private pages, and modify the private pages (students) or both public and private pages (teachers and researchers). To discover how to register, see the Bureaucracy section.

How can I contribute?

Contribution to the wiki (i.e. creation and modification of pages) is limited to registered users: see the Bureaucracy section to learn who and how can become a registered user.

If you have information you want to share (description of what you do, links to useful sources of information, HOWTOs about lab tools, and so on) just publish them on AIRWiki: it's as easy as creating a new page!

Moreover, a wiki always needs help in terms of maintenance, linking between pages, shaping of a structure and so on. And well, in this very moment it also needs a logo ;-) If you want to help please send an email to either migliore (at) elet (dot) polimi (dot) it or eynard (at) elet (dot) polimi (dot) it.


To work, you generally need a place and/or some hardware. The following links tells you...

AIRLab survival guide

Sometimes the most difficult problems are not what you expect...