Face detection

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Revision as of 18:39, 28 April 2011 by AndreaBonarini (Talk | contribs)

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Face detection
Image of the project Face detection
Short Description: Detect faces in a crowded environment
Coordinator: AndreaBonarini (andrea.bonarini@polimi.it)
Tutor: AndreaBonarini (andrea.bonarini@polimi.it), DavideRizzi ()
Students: GiulioFiscella (giulio.fiscella@torrescalla.it), FedericoSem (fede_sem@tele2.it)
Research Area: Robotics
Research Topic: Robot development
Start: 2010/04/15
End: 2010/08/31
Status: Closed
Level: Bs
Type: Thesis

Aim of this project was the development of a vision tracking system to be implemented for E-2? in order to detect and follow, in a robust way, faces in uncostrained enviroment (i.e. an exhibition or mall environment).

Our efforts have lead to an integration of different well known vision algorithms, implemented in C++ with the help of the opensource OpenCV libraries, which has proved to be much more reliable in the tracking tasks than the previous vision system, even if it is still affected by some detecting issues.

Here you can see a video showing the algorithm performance while working on a simple notebook webcam:

video to be uploaded...

Finally, this is a short video about a real time test on the robot.

video to be uploaded...

More details can be found in the discussion page.