
From AIRWiki
Revision as of 23:02, 1 April 2013 by MarcelloPogliani (Talk | contribs) (Source code)

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Source code

All the code for the project is hosted on github. The repository can be browsed here.

Instructions for compilation and installation are provided in the documentation (appendix A). Notes regarding the firmware for the STM32F4 Discovery Board are in the appendix B of the documentation (source code is in the same github repository)


Stickers for RFID tags

  • PDFs of the stickers that have been applied on the RFID tags: sheet 1 and sheet 2 (print them on polyester adhesives)
  • Adobe Illustrator sources of the stickers and the images of RFID stickers used to represent them in the GUI

Other stuff


  • Qui c'è una nostra guida con i comandi principali e il codice di nodi di esempio (presi dai tutorial), sia per C++ che per Python


  • Qui c'è una spiegazione parziale e incompleta del protocollo di comunicazione tra SpyKee e il computer (non tutti i pacchetti sono stati testati...)