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David Laniado
Foto di DavidLaniado

Research Areas:

Status: active

PhD student in the area of Social Software and Semantic Web.

PhD thesis: Social production of knowledge by online communities

Work in progress

  • Jessica J. Gould, David Laniado, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Karolin Kappler, Yana Volkovich, Pablo Aragon. Jointly they edit: Examining the impact of community identification on political interaction in Wikipedia. International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNIA) Sunbelt Conference, Redondo Beach, CA, March 2012.
  • David Laniado, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Carlos Castillo, Mayo Fuster-Morell. Emotions and dialogue in a peer-production community: the case of Wikipedia. Submitted for review.


  • Yana Volkovich, Salvatore Scellato, David Laniado, Cecilia Mascolo and Andreas Kaltenbrunner. The length of bridge ties: structural and geographic properties of online social interactions. "ICWSM2012 - 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Dublin, Ireland, June 2012.
  • David Laniado and Peter Mika (2010). Making sense of Twitter. ISWC 2010 - The 9th International Semantic Web Conference, Shanghai, China, November 2010.
  • Freddy Limpens, Alexandre Monnin, David Laniado and Fabien Gandon (2009). Nicetag ontology : tags as named graphs. ISNI '10: 1st International Workshop on Social Networks Interoperability, Shanghai, China, December 2009.

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