Roomba - vacuuming robots
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Revision as of 14:50, 26 April 2010 by ThomasFerrari (Talk | contribs)
Roomba is a low-cost robot produced by iRobot.
The Roomba is intended to be a cleaning robot, however with little to no modification it can become a powerful educational/hobbyist robotics platform. The Roomba comes with these basic sensors:
1. Four IR based cliff sensors 2. Two bump sensors 3. One wall sensor 4. A top mounted IR sensor. Used by Virtual Walls, Docking Station, and Remote Control 5. One Dirt Detector (acoustic impact). Some Roombas have two.
The Roomba is sold commercially as a Vacuum Cleaner. Thus it also has:
1. One main brush motor 2. A side brush motor 3. A Vacuum motor.
The Roomba proprietary Serial Command Interface is available here: Roomba SCI.
Connecting to the Roomba:
Make your own Roomba-serial, Roomba-USB or Roomba-bluetooth dongle.