System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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sf_createform_choosefield (Talk) (Translate) Choose a field to add
sf_createform_field (Talk) (Translate) Field:
sf_createform_fieldprop (Talk) (Translate) This field defines the property $1, of type $2.
sf_createform_fieldproplist (Talk) (Translate) This field defines a list of elements that have the property $1, of type $2.
sf_createform_fieldpropunknowntype (Talk) (Translate) This field defines the property $1, of unspecified type.
sf_createform_formlabel (Talk) (Translate) Form label:
sf_createform_hidden (Talk) (Translate) Hidden
sf_createform_inputtype (Talk) (Translate) Input type:
sf_createform_inputtypedefault (Talk) (Translate) (default)
sf_createform_nameinput (Talk) (Translate) Form name
sf_createform_nameinputdesc (Talk) (Translate) (the form is usually given the same name as its main template):
sf_createform_removetemplate (Talk) (Translate) Remove template
sf_createform_template (Talk) (Translate) Template:
sf_createform_templatelabelinput (Talk) (Translate) Template label (optional):
sf_createproperty_allowedvalsinput (Talk) (Translate) If you want this property to only be allowed to have certain values, enter the list of allowed values, separated by commas (if a value contains a comma, replace it with "\,"):
sf_createproperty_linktoform (Talk) (Translate) This property will link to pages that use the form:
sf_createproperty_propname (Talk) (Translate) Property name:
sf_createproperty_proptype (Talk) (Translate) Type:
sf_createtemplate_addfield (Talk) (Translate) Add field
sf_createtemplate_addtemplatebeforesave (Talk) (Translate) You must add at least one template to this form before you can save it.
sf_createtemplate_aggregation (Talk) (Translate) Aggregation
sf_createtemplate_aggregationdesc (Talk) (Translate) To list, on any page using this template, all of the pages that have a certain property pointing to that page, specify the appropriate property below:
sf_createtemplate_aggregationlabel (Talk) (Translate) Title for list:
sf_createtemplate_categorylabel (Talk) (Translate) Category defined by template (optional):
sf_createtemplate_deletefield (Talk) (Translate) Delete
sf_createtemplate_displaylabel (Talk) (Translate) Display label:
sf_createtemplate_fieldislist (Talk) (Translate) This field can hold a list of values, separated by commas
sf_createtemplate_fieldname (Talk) (Translate) Field name:
sf_createtemplate_fieldsdesc (Talk) (Translate) To have the fields in this template no longer require field names, simply enter the index of each field (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.) as the name, instead of an actual name.
sf_createtemplate_infoboxformat (Talk) (Translate) Right-hand-side infobox
sf_createtemplate_namelabel (Talk) (Translate) Template name:
sf_createtemplate_outputformat (Talk) (Translate) Output format:
sf_createtemplate_semanticproperty (Talk) (Translate) Semantic property:
sf_createtemplate_standardformat (Talk) (Translate) Standard
sf_createtemplate_templatefields (Talk) (Translate) Template fields
sf_deletionlog (Talk) (Translate) Deletion log
sf_editsource (Talk) (Translate) Edit source
sf_form_docu (Talk) (Translate) This is the "$1" form. To create a page with this form, enter the page name below; if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page.
sf_form_freetextlabel (Talk) (Translate) Free text
sf_formcreate (Talk) (Translate) Create with form
sf_formedit_accesskey_saveandcontinueediting (Talk) (Translate) a
sf_formedit_addanother (Talk) (Translate) Add another
sf_formedit_altforms (Talk) (Translate) You can instead add this page with one of the following forms:
sf_formedit_altformsonly (Talk) (Translate) Please select from one of the following forms to add this page:
sf_formedit_badurl (Talk) (Translate) This is the page for editing with a form. You must specify both a form name and a target page in the URL; it should look like 'Special:FormEdit?form=<form name>&target=<target page>', or 'Special:FormEdit/<form name>/<target page>'.
sf_formedit_createtitle (Talk) (Translate) Create $1: $2
sf_formedit_createtitlenotarget (Talk) (Translate) Create $1
sf_formedit_edittitle (Talk) (Translate) Edit $1: $2
sf_formedit_emptytitle (Talk) (Translate) Error: The inserted data results in an empty page title.
sf_formedit_formwarning (Talk) (Translate) Warning: This page <a href="$1">already exists</a>, but it does not use this form.
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