System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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sf_formedit_hookerror (Talk) (Translate) Error: A MediaWiki extension prevented the modification of the target page.
sf_formedit_morethanoneform (Talk) (Translate) '''Warning:''' More than one default form is defined for this page.
sf_formedit_none (Talk) (Translate) None
sf_formedit_remove (Talk) (Translate) Remove
sf_formedit_saveandcontinueediting (Talk) (Translate) Save and continue
sf_formedit_tooltip_saveandcontinueediting (Talk) (Translate) Save data and continue editing
sf_formerrors_header (Talk) (Translate) There were errors with your form input; see below
sf_forminputs_autogrow (Talk) (Translate) Set this input to grow in size if the text exceeds its boundaries
sf_forminputs_class (Talk) (Translate) The HTML "class" attribute for this input
sf_forminputs_cols (Talk) (Translate) The number of columns for this input
sf_forminputs_default (Talk) (Translate) The default value for this input
sf_forminputs_defaultfilename (Talk) (Translate) The default filename for uploaded files
sf_forminputs_delimiter (Talk) (Translate) The delimiter between field values, if this input holds a list of them
sf_forminputs_existingvaluesonly (Talk) (Translate) Allow only values already in the list
sf_forminputs_height (Talk) (Translate) The height of this input, in pixels
sf_forminputs_hideroot (Talk) (Translate) Hide the parent category
sf_forminputs_includetimezone (Talk) (Translate) Include an input for the time zone
sf_forminputs_list (Talk) (Translate) Mark this input as holding a list of values
sf_forminputs_listboxsize (Talk) (Translate) The height of this listbox, in rows
sf_forminputs_mandatory (Talk) (Translate) A value must be entered for this input
sf_forminputs_maxlength (Talk) (Translate) The maximum allowed length of the text in this field
sf_forminputs_preload (Talk) (Translate) A wiki page whose contents will become this input's default value
sf_forminputs_property (Talk) (Translate) A semantic property that this field corresponds to
sf_forminputs_remoteautocompletion (Talk) (Translate) Use remote autocompletion
sf_forminputs_restricted (Talk) (Translate) Only administrators can edit this input
sf_forminputs_rows (Talk) (Translate) The number of rows for this input
sf_forminputs_showonselect (Talk) (Translate) Page elements to display only if certain values are selected (example: "value1=>div1;value2=>div2")
sf_forminputs_size (Talk) (Translate) The size of this text field, in characters
sf_forminputs_topcategory (Talk) (Translate) The parent category of this set of categories (required)
sf_forminputs_uploadable (Talk) (Translate) Place an "Upload file" link next to this input
sf_forminputs_values (Talk) (Translate) The set of values for this input, separated by commas
sf_forminputs_valuesfromcategory (Talk) (Translate) A category whose pages should be this input's set of values
sf_forminputs_valuesfromconcept (Talk) (Translate) A Semantic MediaWiki "concept" page whose pages should be this input's set of values
sf_forminputs_valuesfromnamespace (Talk) (Translate) A namespace whose pages should be this input's set of values
sf_forminputs_valuesfromproperty (Talk) (Translate) A property whose values in the wiki should be this input's set of values
sf_forminputs_valuesfromurl (Talk) (Translate) A URL holding structured data that should be this input's set of values
sf_forminputs_width (Talk) (Translate) The width of this input, in pixels
sf_forms_docu (Talk) (Translate) The following forms exist in the wiki.
sf_formstart_badform (Talk) (Translate) Error: no form page was found at $1.
sf_formstart_badtitle (Talk) (Translate) Error: "$1" is an invalid title for a page.
sf_formstart_createoredit (Talk) (Translate) Create or edit
sf_formstart_docu (Talk) (Translate) Enter the name of a page here, to be edited with the form "$1". If this page already exists, you will be sent to the form for editing that page. Otherwise, you will be sent to the form for adding the page.
sf_formstart_noform_docu (Talk) (Translate) Enter the name of a page here, and select the form to edit it with. If this page already exists, you will be sent to the form for editing that page. Otherwise, you will be sent to the form for adding the page.
sf_property_allowedvals (Talk) (Translate) The allowed {{PLURAL:$1|value for this property is|values for this property are}}:
sf_property_isproperty (Talk) (Translate) This is a property of type $1.
sf_property_linkstoform (Talk) (Translate) It links to pages that use the form $1.
sf_runquery_additionalquery (Talk) (Translate) Additional query
sf_runquery_badurl (Talk) (Translate) You must specify a form name in the URL; the URL should look like 'Special:RunQuery/<form name>'.
sf_runquery_title (Talk) (Translate) Run query: $1
sf_template_docu (Talk) (Translate) This is the "$1" template. It should be called in the following format:
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