System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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smw_inverse_label_default (Talk) (Translate) $1 of
smw_inverse_label_property (Talk) (Translate) Inverse property label
smw_iq_disabled (Talk) (Translate) Semantic queries have been disabled for this wiki.
smw_iq_moreresults (Talk) (Translate) … further results
smw_isaliastype (Talk) (Translate) This type is an alias for the datatype "$1".
smw_isknowntype (Talk) (Translate) This type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.
smw_isnotype (Talk) (Translate) This type "$1" is not a standard datatype in the wiki, and has not been given a user definition either.
smw_isspecprop (Talk) (Translate) This property is a special property in this wiki.
smw_kiloseparator (Talk) (Translate) ,
smw_manytypes (Talk) (Translate) More than one type defined for property.
smw_maxstring (Talk) (Translate) String representation $1 is too long.
smw_misplacedsubquery (Talk) (Translate) Some subquery was used in a place where no subqueries are allowed.
smw_misplacedsymbol (Talk) (Translate) The symbol "$1" was used in a place where it is not useful.
smw_multiple_concepts (Talk) (Translate) Each concept page can have only one concept definition.
smw_no_concept_namespace (Talk) (Translate) Concepts can only be defined on pages in the Concept: namespace.
smw_no_importelement (Talk) (Translate) Element "$1" not available for import.
smw_noboolean (Talk) (Translate) "$1" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
smw_noclosingbrackets (Talk) (Translate) Some use of "<nowiki>[[</nowiki>" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
smw_noconjunctions (Talk) (Translate) Conjunctions in queries are not supported in this wiki and part of the query was dropped ($1).
smw_nodatetime (Talk) (Translate) The date "$1" was not understood.
smw_nodisjunctions (Talk) (Translate) Disjunctions in queries are not supported in this wiki and part of the query was dropped ($1).
smw_nofloat (Talk) (Translate) "$1" is not a number.
smw_noinvannot (Talk) (Translate) Values cannot be assigned to inverse properties.
smw_nonright_importtype (Talk) (Translate) $1 can only be used for pages with namespace "$2".
smw_noproperty (Talk) (Translate) "$1" cannot be used as a property name in this wiki.
smw_noqueryfeature (Talk) (Translate) Some query feature was not supported in this wiki and part of the query was dropped ($1).
smw_notemplategiven (Talk) (Translate) Provide a value for the parameter "template" for this query format to work.
smw_notinenum (Talk) (Translate) "$1" is not in the list of possible values ($2) for this property.
smw_notitle (Talk) (Translate) "$1" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.
smw_nounitsdeclared (Talk) (Translate) No units of measurement were declared for this property.
smw_novalues (Talk) (Translate) No values specified.
smw_paramdesc_columns (Talk) (Translate) The number of columns in which to display results (default is $1)
smw_paramdesc_default (Talk) (Translate) The text to display if there are no query results
smw_paramdesc_embedformat (Talk) (Translate) The HTML tag used to define headings
smw_paramdesc_embedonly (Talk) (Translate) Display no headings
smw_paramdesc_headers (Talk) (Translate) Display the headers/property names
smw_paramdesc_intro (Talk) (Translate) The text to display before the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_introtemplate (Talk) (Translate) The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_limit (Talk) (Translate) The maximum number of results to return
smw_paramdesc_mainlabel (Talk) (Translate) The label to give to the main page name
smw_paramdesc_offset (Talk) (Translate) The offset of the first result
smw_paramdesc_outro (Talk) (Translate) The text to display after the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_outrotemplate (Talk) (Translate) The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_rdfsyntax (Talk) (Translate) The RDF syntax to be used
smw_paramdesc_rssdescription (Talk) (Translate) The text to be used as the description of the feed
smw_paramdesc_rsstitle (Talk) (Translate) The text to be used as the title of the feed
smw_paramdesc_searchlabel (Talk) (Translate) The text for the link to results
smw_paramdesc_sep (Talk) (Translate) The separator for values
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