System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Name Default message text
Current message text
smw_paramdesc_columns (Talk) (Translate) The number of columns in which to display results (default is $1)
smw_paramdesc_default (Talk) (Translate) The text to display if there are no query results
smw_paramdesc_embedformat (Talk) (Translate) The HTML tag used to define headings
smw_paramdesc_embedonly (Talk) (Translate) Display no headings
smw_paramdesc_headers (Talk) (Translate) Display the headers/property names
smw_paramdesc_intro (Talk) (Translate) The text to display before the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_introtemplate (Talk) (Translate) The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_limit (Talk) (Translate) The maximum number of results to return
smw_paramdesc_mainlabel (Talk) (Translate) The label to give to the main page name
smw_paramdesc_offset (Talk) (Translate) The offset of the first result
smw_paramdesc_outro (Talk) (Translate) The text to display after the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_outrotemplate (Talk) (Translate) The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any
smw_paramdesc_rdfsyntax (Talk) (Translate) The RDF syntax to be used
smw_paramdesc_rssdescription (Talk) (Translate) The text to be used as the description of the feed
smw_paramdesc_rsstitle (Talk) (Translate) The text to be used as the title of the feed
smw_paramdesc_searchlabel (Talk) (Translate) The text for the link to results
smw_paramdesc_sep (Talk) (Translate) The separator for values
smw_paramdesc_template (Talk) (Translate) The name of a template with which to display the printouts
smw_paramdesc_userparam (Talk) (Translate) A value passed into each template call, if a template is used
smw_parseerror (Talk) (Translate) The given value was not understood.
smw_pp_docu (Talk) (Translate) Search for all the values of a property on a given page. Enter both a page and a property.
smw_pp_from (Talk) (Translate) From page
smw_pp_submit (Talk) (Translate) Find results
smw_pp_type (Talk) (Translate) Property
smw_printername_auto (Talk) (Translate) Automatic
smw_printername_broadtable (Talk) (Translate) Broad table
smw_printername_category (Talk) (Translate) Category
smw_printername_count (Talk) (Translate) Count results
smw_printername_csv (Talk) (Translate) CSV export
smw_printername_debug (Talk) (Translate) Debug query (for experts)
smw_printername_dsv (Talk) (Translate) DSV export
smw_printername_embedded (Talk) (Translate) Embed page contents
smw_printername_json (Talk) (Translate) JSON export
smw_printername_list (Talk) (Translate) List
smw_printername_ol (Talk) (Translate) Enumeration
smw_printername_rdf (Talk) (Translate) RDF export
smw_printername_rss (Talk) (Translate) RSS export
smw_printername_table (Talk) (Translate) Table
smw_printername_template (Talk) (Translate) Template
smw_printername_ul (Talk) (Translate) Itemization
smw_properties_docu (Talk) (Translate) The following properties are used in the wiki.
smw_property_template (Talk) (Translate) $1 of type $2 ($3)
smw_property_template_notype (Talk) (Translate) $1 ($2)
smw_propertyhardlyused (Talk) (Translate) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
smw_propertylackspage (Talk) (Translate) All properties should be described by a page!
smw_propertylackstype (Talk) (Translate) No type was specified for this property (assuming type $1 for now).
smw_propvalueproblem (Talk) (Translate) The value of property "$1" was not understood.
smw_prp_options (Talk) (Translate) Property Options
smw_purge (Talk) (Translate) Refresh
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