From AIRWiki
Revision as of 21:52, 13 September 2012 by MarcelloPogliani (Talk | contribs) (→STM32F4 Discovery: notes)
Source code
All the code for the project is hosted on github. The repository can be browsed here.
Stickers for RFID tags
- PDFs of the stickers that have been applied on the RFID tags: sheet 1 and sheet 2 (print them on polyester adhesives)
- Adobe Illustrator sources of the stickers and the images of RFID stickers used to represent them in the GUI
Progettazione del gioco
- Come abbiamo progettato il gioco (linee guida, idee scartate/preliminari, etc) link al documento
- Una prima bozza dello storyboard: RobotowerStoryboard.pdf
Working notes about some of the used tools
- Qui c'è una nostra guida con i comandi principali e il codice di nodi di esempio (presi dai tutorial), sia per C++ che per Python