Hand gesture guided desktop lamp
[hide]Project name
Hand gesture guided desktop lamp
Project short description
This project supposes that esixts a desk lamp equipped of miniature camera oriented to the desktop and capable to change its position in the work space.
The aim of this project is to develop a computer vision based software to make the lamp's light move in a specific point on the desktop. The software will be capable to do that by using hand movements and gestures recognition.
In the specific the lamp have to recognize a gestures set to achieve the following behaviours:
move the light projected on the desktop from one area to another one by using one hand;
increase (decrease) the light area on the desk by increaseing (decreasing) the distance between the two hands;
move the lamp position keeping the same projection on the desk thus modifing its spatial orientation.
Start date: 2009/10/30
End date: ?
People involved
Raffaele Petta - User:RaffaelePetta
Project head(s)
M. Matteucci - User:MatteoMatteucci
Other Politecnico di Milano people
Students currently working on the project
Raffaele Petta - User:RaffaelePetta
Students who worked on the project in the past
External personnel:
Laboratory work and risk analysis
Since laboratory work for this project is limited to software related activities, there are no potential risks.
Part 2: Project description
Design notes and guidelines
To make the goal achievable it is important to consider that the camera can be fixed or not. In the case of the second hypothesis the hand tracking must to be done using an approach capable to subtract a moving background: this subproblem can be solved using either the edges recognition or a color filter or a combination of the two.
Useful internet links
Active Contrours : http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~contours/