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This property has the String type. The allowed values are active and inactive.

Pages using the property "UserStatus"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


MauroVerdirosa +inactive  +
MaximilianoMollura +inactive  +
MehdiMehdikhani +active  +
MicheleBertoni +inactive  +
MicheleDicuonzo +inactive  +
MicheleFestini +inactive  +
MicheleGiusto +active  +
MicheleMonti +inactive  +
MichelePellegrini +inactive  +
MicheleValsecchi +inactive  +
MikhailVoronstov +inactive  +
MirkoCurtolo +inactive  +
MirkoGelsomini +inactive  +
MirzaRamicic +active  +
MladenMazuran +active  +
MohammadhosseinMalmir +active  +
MohammedAli +inactive  +


NguyenHo +inactive  +
NiccoloTenti +inactive  +
NicholasAngeloCrespi +inactive  +
NicholasColombo +inactive  +
NicolaBasilico +inactive  +
NicolaCrovetti +inactive  +
NicolaDeAngli +active  +
NicolaSmacchia +active  +
(previous 25) (next 25)