A firefox extension for semantic annotations

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Title: A Firefox extension for semantic annotations
Description: Aim of this project is to develop a Firefox extension, to allow a community of users to annotate resources on the Web using a shared RDF vocabulary.

While browsing the Web, a user should be able to visualize the annotations relative to the page they are visiting, and to add new annotations as well.

Tutor: DavidLaniado (david.laniado@gmail.com), DavideEynard (eynard@elet.polimi.it), RiccardoTasso (tasso@elet.polimi.it), MarcoColombetti (colombet@elet.polimi.it)
Start: Now
Students: 1 - 2
CFU: 5 - 20
Research Area: Social Software and Semantic Web
Research Topic: Semantic Annotations
Level: Bs, Ms
Type: Course, Thesis
Status: Closed

Aim of this project is to develop a Firefox extension, to allow a community of users to annotate resources on the Web using a shared RDF vocabulary. While browsing the Web, a user should be able to visualize the annotations relative to the page they are visiting, and to add new annotations as well.

Tools and instruments
Here are some hints to write a Firefox extension: Writing a Firefox extension
Related projects
A Unifying Framework for Semantic Annotation