Development of robot Maximum One - control and programming
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[hide]Part 1: project profile
Project name
Development of robot Maximum One - control and programming
Project short description
First Step: manual for Maximum One's anthropomorphic robotic arm.
Second Step: ...
Start date: 2009/01/15
End date: 2009/12/30
People involved
Marco Traversoni - User:MarcoTraversoni
Project head(s)
G. Gini - User:GiuseppinaGini
Students currently working on the project
Marco Traversoni - User:MarcoTraversoni
Students who worked on the project in the past
Laboratory work and risk analysis
Laboratory work for this project will be mainly performed at AIRLab/Lambrate. It will include significant amounts of mechanical work as well as of electrical and electronic activity. Potentially risky activities are the following:
- Use of mechanical tools. Standard safety measures described in Safety norms will be followed.
- Use of soldering iron. Standard safety measures described in Safety norms will be followed.
- Use of high-voltage circuits. Special gloves and a current limiter will be used.
- Transportation of heavy loads (e.g. robot parts). Standard safety measures described in Safety norms will be followed.
- Robot testing. Standard safety measures described in Safety norms will be followed.
- Death ray testing: on the robot will be mounted professor Azzoide's death ray projector. When testing it on live animals (e.g. pigeons, pigs, camels) we will make sure that people stay away from the test area.
Part 2: project description
coming soon...