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Fault Detection in Space Systems with Multiagent Systems using JADE
Short Description: The aim of the project is to developing a MAS (Multi Agent System) for fault detection that analyzes data coming from space systems.
Coordinator: FrancescoAmigoni (
Tutor: FrancescoAmigoni (
Students: MatteoGallo (, MatteoGarza (
Research Area: Agents, Multiagent Systems, Agencies
Research Topic:
Start: 05/12/2012
Status: Active


Fault Detection in Space Systems with Multiagent Systems using JADE

The aim of the project is to developing a MAS (Multi Agent System) for fault detection that analyzes data coming from space systems. Every agent will implement a different approach for modeling the nominal flow of data (e.g., ARMA, neural network, ...) and will cooperate with the other agents to reach a unique response of the whole system (which will be returned to the user), when a failure is identified. The project will develop a prototype MAS written in Java using JADE framework, able to detect faults in realistic data streams.