NonPhotorealistic rendering of speed lines
[hide]Part 1: project profile
Project name
Nonphotorealistic Rendering of Speed Lines
Project short description
The aim of this project is to experiment some new techniques for syntesizing speed lines from video.
Given a video with a moving object (a person, or something else), we will be able to draw some lines on the last video frame which should convey the object motion in the previous k frames. Beside we will be also able to draw some lines during the video reproduction.
Start date: 2008/02/04
End date: 2008/03/04
People involved
Project Advisor
A. Giusti - User:AlessandroGiusti
Students who worked on the project in the past
Marco Branca - User:MarcoBranca as a project for the course Image Analysis and Synthesis, prof. Caglioti
Lorenzo Camerini - User:LorenzoCamerini as a project for the course Image Analysis and Synthesis, prof. Caglioti
Part 2: project description
The aim of this project is to experiment using some new techniques for syntesizing speed lines from video.
Given a video with a moving object (a person, or something else), we will be able to draw some lines on the last video frame which should convey the object motion in the previous k frames. Beside we will be also able to draw some lines during the video reproduction.
The documentation related to this project can be downloaded here.
The tutorial related to the Matlab graphical interface can be downloaded here.
The source code of the Matlab graphical application can be downloaded here
In order to solve the problem we followed these tasks:
1. We synthesized different videos with a clear separation between a moving foreground and background using blender.
2. We studied how to analyzing video in matlab. In particular we learned how to access and analyze single video's frames.
3. We implemented three different techniques in order to obtain speed-lines.
The Implemented techniques are: Envelope Speed-Lines, Replication Of Contours, Harris Corners Speed-lines. We developed a simple matlab GUI in order to experiment with different parameters within a video.