SMW Project Workflow
This page explains how to use the AIR wiki to benefit from its semantic capabilities following a typical Project Lifecycle (from its proposal to its end).
[hide]Project Proposal
A Tutor is a Professor, PhD Student or Researcher. When she has a Proposal for a course or thesis project for students, she can submit it to the wiki.
To easily insert a Project Proposal in the AIRWiki go to this special page: Form:ProjectProposal. To get more in depth with details look at the following sections.
Template Documentation
- title:
- image:
- description:
- tutor(s):
- cfumin:
- cfumax:
- studmin:
- studmax:
- resarea:
- restopic:
- level:
- type:
- status:
This should be the source of a typical Project Proposal page.
{{ProjectProposal |title=Extending a search engine with semantic information |image=velociraptor.png |description=We are used to keyword-based search engines, where only documents matching the exact words in the query are retrieved... |tutor=DavidLaniado;MarcoColombetti |cfumin=5 |cfumax=20 |studmin=1 |studmax=2 |resarea=Social Software and Semantic Web |restopic=Semantic Search |level=Bs;Ms |type=Course;Thesis |status=Proposal }}
Student Registration
When a Student requests to join a Project, she has to be registered to the wiki from the page: Log in / Create Account. Each user should be registered with the notation NameSurname (e. g. AlanTuring). A page for the user is automatically created, and it should be filled in with her data.
Attention: each user page is by default accessible only to registered users. If you want your page to be visible to unregistered users, follow the instructions.
A user's page can be edited with a semantic form, by clicking on the tab "edit with form".
To get more in depth with details look at the following sections.
Template Documentation
The following fields have to be filled in:
- category:
- firstname:
- lastname:
- email:
- advisor:
- projectpage:
- photo:
{{Student |category=Student |firstname=Alan |lastname=Turing | |advisor=LudwigWittgenstein;AlonzoChurch |projectpage=On Computable Numbers |photo=turing.png }}
Project Instantiation
When a Student and a Tutor have defined a concrete Project (maybe starting from a Project Proposal) they should create a page for it. The Project's page will be used to present the work of the Project and collect all information associated with it.
Important: the Project name has to be different from the Project Proposal name! In case you want to keep the same name, a possible convention is to use non capital letters for Project Proposal page names, and capital letters for Project page names.
To easily insert a Project in the AIRWiki go to this special page: Form:Project. Please fill all the fields! To get more in depth with details look at the following sections.
Template Documentation
- title:
- short_descr:
- tutor:
- students:
- resarea:
- restopic:
- start:
- end:
- level:
- type:
- status:
- image:
{{Project | title=Wikipedia Category Map | short_descr= Tool for managing categories and pages in Wikipedia. | tutor=DavidLaniado;RiccardoTasso | students=CarloBandera | resarea=Social Software and Semantic Web | restopic=Semantic Tagging | start=2009/07/14 | end=2009/09/17 | level=Ms | type=Course | status=Closed | image= }}
Project End
When the Project ends it should be declared as closed. This can be done by editing the page source or using the form: Form:Project (changing the value of the property Status).
Adding a Research Area
All you need to create a research area is to create a page having as title the name of the research area, and add somewhere in text of the page (usually at the end, or at the beginning) this tag:
[[Category:Research Area]]
This tag will not appear in the page, but will make this page become officially a research area, appear in the automatically generated list of pages in this category and be a possible value for properties Property:PrjResArea and Property:HasResArea.
Adding a Research Topic
As for research areas, to create a research topic you need to create a page having as title the name of the research topic, and add somewhere in text of the page this tag:
[[Category:Research Topic]]
Moreover, each research topic should belong to some research area. To state that a research topic belongs to a research area, add somewhere in the text this tag:
[[BelongsToArea::Name of the area]]
So, as an example, you can just add these two lines at the top of the page:
[[Category:Research Topic]] This Research Topic belongs to the area [[BelongsToArea::Robotics]]
To see an example in an existing page, see the first two lines in the source of this research topic.