Use case design and implementation for semantic annotations

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Title: Use case design and implementation for semantic annotation
Description: Semantic annotations offer a variety of possibilities to enhance the user experience while browsing the Web. Aim of this project is to propose one scenario in which their usefulness is exploited for a specific community of users. In detail the project requires to design a simple ontology which describes some kind of domain to annotate resources on the Web and implement an interface to query it and insert assertions inside a semantic store (through SPARQL).

One possible example is the annotation of mp3 files available on the Web. They can be classified in genres or associated to datatype properties, such as rating, title, length and release date... also exploiting data already available in

Tutor: DavideEynard (, DavidLaniado (, RiccardoTasso (, MarcoColombetti (
Start: Now
Students: 1 - 2
CFU: 5 - 10
Research Area: Social Software and Semantic Web
Research Topic: Semantic Annotations
Level: Bs, Ms
Type: Course, Thesis
Status: Closed
Tools and instruments
The Web Application can be developed in any programming language; the ontology should be defined in RDF.
Related projects
A Unifying Framework for Semantic Annotation