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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:27, 21 September 2009 (file) 2 KB MatteoRossi   1
11:21, 21 September 2009 Final JediRobotTraining2.1.pdf (file) 1.13 MB MatteoSancini   1
13:16, 17 September 2009 RelazioneWCM.pdf (file) 552 KB CarloBandera   1
23:13, 16 September 2009 PietroCastelli-gui.jpg (file) 121 KB PietroCastelli   1
22:45, 16 September 2009 PietroCastelli-pumaArm.jpg (file) 7 KB PietroCastelli   1
21:14, 16 September 2009 PietroCastelli-foto.jpg (file) 224 KB PietroCastelli   1
11:31, 12 September 2009 UmlTesi v3.jpeg (file) 98 KB AntonioTripodi   1
14:26, 10 September 2009 Mouse on parallels.PNG (file) 46 KB MatteoRossi   1
14:25, 10 September 2009 Mouse on osx.PNG (file) 91 KB MatteoRossi   1
14:24, 10 September 2009 Mouse on linux.PNG (file) 140 KB MatteoRossi   1
14:23, 10 September 2009 Mouse on xp.png (file) 14 KB MatteoRossi   1
13:20, 10 September 2009 Mouse board lurchbox.png (file) 27 KB MatteoRossi   1
12:10, 10 September 2009 Mouse lurchbox.png (file) 1.05 MB MatteoRossi   1
11:50, 10 September 2009 Breadboard lurchbox.jpg (file) 572 KB MatteoRossi   1
11:57, 4 September 2009 Uml.jpeg (file) 82 KB AntonioTripodi   1
11:57, 4 September 2009 (file) 5 KB AntonioTripodi   1
10:44, 4 September 2009 Final Robo Hide and Hunt.pdf (file) 4.09 MB MatteoBotta   1
09:42, 2 September 2009 Relazione RoboWii (file) 275 KB AndreaPontecorvo   1
23:51, 28 August 2009 UserFilippoRottoliPhoto.jpg (file) 79 KB FilippoRottoli   1
10:15, 17 August 2009 Communication Protocol.pdf (file) 8 KB EleonoraCiceri   1
09:42, 17 August 2009 Comm (file) 1 KB AntonioTripodi protocollo di comunicazione tra gui e bci2000 1
12:47, 9 August 2009 Brainsid.png (file) 9 KB SiegfriedCattaneo plot of the means of the data acquired during the first session of SiegfriedCattaneo 1
02:08, 6 August 2009 FabioMarfia.jpg (file) 46 KB FabioMarfia   1
23:19, 1 August 2009 N647497934 524842 1803.jpg (file) 40 KB AlfredoMotta   1
19:29, 1 August 2009 Paolocalloni.jpg (file) 28 KB PaoloCalloni   4
18:17, 25 July 2009 WADMLX90614.jpg (file) 32 KB PaoloVilla   2
18:10, 25 July 2009 WADTable2.jpg (file) 34 KB PaoloVilla   1
18:10, 25 July 2009 WADTable1.jpg (file) 41 KB PaoloVilla   1
16:46, 25 July 2009 WADUSBInterface.jpg (file) 39 KB PaoloVilla   4
16:45, 25 July 2009 Wd1.jpg (file) 71 KB PaoloVilla   2
16:44, 25 July 2009 WADSDCard.jpg (file) 34 KB PaoloVilla   2
16:43, 25 July 2009 WADSchematicDiagram01.jpg (file) 54 KB PaoloVilla   2
16:40, 25 July 2009 WADGSRNew.jpg (file) 35 KB PaoloVilla   1
16:40, 25 July 2009 WADGSRComparison.jpg (file) 65 KB PaoloVilla   2
16:39, 25 July 2009 WADBVPScope03.jpg (file) 41 KB PaoloVilla   1
16:38, 25 July 2009 WADAccelerometer.jpg (file) 49 KB PaoloVilla   1
16:37, 25 July 2009 Circuito.jpg (file) 78 KB PaoloVilla   2
18:23, 17 July 2009 WNFolksonomy-Architettura.png (file) 14 KB DavidLaniado   3
18:14, 17 July 2009 Pasta.png (file) 128 KB DavidLaniado   1
17:07, 17 July 2009 SocialNetworkDataExtraction.png (file) 307 KB DavidLaniado   1
15:09, 16 July 2009 Nowhere dimension moment masked.JPG (file) 27 KB VittorioLumare   2
14:32, 25 June 2009 Genetic algorithms.png (file) 38 KB GabrieleValentini   1
17:27, 24 June 2009 Emg.jpg (file) 1.59 MB ShahidulIslam EMG 1
14:29, 22 June 2009 Bci gui.png (file) 96 KB TizianoDalbis Predictive BCI Speller based on Motor Imagery: Spelling application 1
14:28, 22 June 2009 Bci feedback.png (file) 238 KB TizianoDalbis Predictive BCI Speller Based on Motor Imagery: feedback sessions 1
19:08, 21 June 2009 Shot0003.png (file) 903 KB SiegfriedCattaneo   1
15:04, 19 June 2009 Thesis predictive bci speller.pdf (file) 3.3 MB TizianoDalbis Master thesis: A predictive BCI speller for a brain-computer interface based on motor imagery 1
22:59, 15 June 2009 Presentazione ROBOGAME.pdf (file) 9.72 MB AlbertoCalloni   1
22:42, 15 June 2009 Demo storyboard.pdf (file) 3.93 MB AlbertoCalloni   1
11:23, 10 June 2009 CristianMandelli-Thesis.pdf (file) 2.13 MB CristianMandelli   1
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