What's in the AIRLab
From AIRWiki
Revision as of 12:50, 15 April 2008 by GiulioFontana (Talk | contribs)
This page is used to keep track of all the hardware (oh well, at least of the main gear) that you can find in the various AIRLab sites (a list of which is given in The Labs). The gear is divided into categories, and you must go to the relevant one to know what is available, its main characteristics, and where it is now. As we are on the topic of "where things are", please keep in mind that other people want to find things as much as you want, so if you are moving something away from its current location please update the relevant table THIS INSTANT >:-). If you don't know where you are taking it, just put your name in the table, so at least the others will know who to ask (or who to hunt for).
- LURCH - The autonomous wheelchair
- Robocom
- MRT, the Milan Robocup Team
- the MO.RO. family
- Manipulators
- Humanoid and bio-inspired robots
- HE-KNOWS - An electronic nose