Roomba project

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Revision as of 19:26, 29 July 2010 by AndreaScalise (Talk | contribs) (Pyro: download and installation)

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Roomba Analysis and Modification
Image of the project Roomba project
Short Description: Roomba's control system study and modification
Coordinator: GiuseppinaGini (
Tutor: ThomasFerrari (
Students: AndreaScalise (, NiccoloTenti (
Research Area: Robotics
Research Topic: Robot development
Start: 2010/05/10
End: 2010/09/25
Status: Active
Level: Ms
Type: Course

This project is about studying the vacuum cleaner Roomba's brain, in order to modify and add new behaviours to it: in particular a wall-following algorithm will be implemented and tested. The interfacing with the robot will be provided by Pyro, a library, environment, graphical user interface to explore AI and robotics using the Python language.

Interfacing with Pyro

Pyro is a powerful software written in Python, used to provide a high level interface to many types of robots, regardless of their hardware structure. Here the main steps to configure properly the Pyro environment and to interface it with a Roomba. For the project a Roomba 535 will be used (the one shown in the photo).

Pyro: download and installation

First of all, you need to download the latest version of Pyro. You can choose between different versions and operative systems from this website: Since the project will be developed under Linux, we will refer to Linux Ubuntu OS, using the Pyro version 5.0.0. Then, you need to install it, open a terminal, move to the pyrobot folder, write the following commands and follow the instructions:


If you have python version 2.6 or higher, you need to modify the file:


changing the words "site-packages" with "dist-packages" wherever it appears. This modification must not be done if you have earlier python versions. From now on, we will refer to python version 2.6

Now you can run the program writing from terminal:

cd /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyrobot/bin/

You can also copy the file executable file in your home folder, and write from terminal:


Roomba's Pyro files configuration

Before starting to use pyrobot with the Roomba, you must modify some settings in the Roomba robot files; these modifications are needed because the interfacing with Roomba that Pyro provides it's general, so there might be different behaviours according to your Roomba model (in this documentation we refer to Roomba 535).

First of all, you need to open the following file, as administrator:
