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Extending a search engine with semantic information
PrjCFUMax 20  +
PrjCFUMin 5  +
PrjDescription We are used to keyword-based search engine ng search results with semantic metadata".
PrjImage Image:velociraptor.png  +
PrjLevel Bachelor of Science + , Master of Science +
PrjResArea Social Software and Semantic Web +
PrjResTopic Semantic Search +
PrjStatus Closed  +
PrjStudMax 2  +
PrjStudMin 1  +
PrjTitle Extending a search engine with semantic information  +
PrjTutor User:DavidLaniado + , User:MarcoColombetti +
PrjType Course + , Thesis +
Has improper value for PrjStarts  +
Categories ProjectProposal  +
Modification date 27 May 2010 08:25:52  +
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