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Pages using the property "PrjDescription"

Showing 15 pages using this property.

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Videogame adaptation +Adaptation of TORCS to match the user preferences detected from physiological signals
Visibility Rating under Foggy Conditions +The aim of this project is to try different approaches to evaluate the visibility range under foggy condition using a camera mounted on a car
Visual Odometry for an Omni-directional Camera +An omnidirectional camera can acquire panoramic views of the surrounding environment. The purpose of this thesis is to design, develop, and test an odometric system (odometry = measurement of the path) based on the images taken by an omnidirectional camera during motion. The reference paper to start from is (Taddei, Ferran, Caglioti. IJCV 2012) and the result should be able to extract “feature points” from the images, match them in a robust way, and then apply the machinery for visual odometry on the resulting set of correspondences. A calibration procedure for the system should be provided together with an experimental validatio of the resulting system. *Pierluigi Taddei, Ferran Espuny, Vincenzo Caglioti: Planar Motion Estimation and Linear Ground Plane Rectification using an Uncalibrated Generic Camera. International Journal of Computer Vision 96(2): 162-174 (2012) '''Material:''' *reference paper to start from and reference datasets *C++ library for extraction and manipulation of features (OpenCV) '''Expected outcome:''' *working system able to perform visual odometry using an omnidirectional camera '''Required skills or skills to be acquired:''' *computer vision and 3D reconstruction
Visual stabilization techniques for tracking with a moving camera +Target tracking in video sequences can suffer poor performances if the camera is moving (e.g, wind, hand held device, aerial tracking system). The aim of the project is to investigate the state of the art in image stabilization and registration in non static or cluttered scenes. Possible ideas to be investigated include: homography tracking or smoothing, 3D camera motion estimation, image registration and mosicing. As a by product of the work, a tool for the performance evaluation of image stabilization algorithms should be designed. '''Material''' *a huge corpus of literature on the topic *datasets to test the approach upon *C++ library for image processing and computer vision (OpenCV) '''Expected outcome:''' *software for the stabilization of videos from a moving camera showing moving objects in cluttered environments *a tool for the objective evaluation of image stabilization algorithms '''Required skills or skills to be acquired:''' *computer vision and 3D reconstruction *C++ programming under Linux


Warugadar - Fusion piezoelettric and vision controllers with PYRO +The goal of the project is to develop an interactive game between an autonomous robot and a remotely-controlled one, based on the rules of the well-known Pac-Man game.
Websearch +The objective of this project is to build a new generation search engine able to find additional information of an article, commentary, report or any kind of input text. This is going to be a component of a web application tool.
WiizardBot +Robogame where the human player has to beat the robot using only magic spells.
Wikipedia Category Map +Tool for managing categories and pages in Wikipedia.
Wikipedia Page Social Network +Goal of this project is to study the social network of Wikipedia pages, where two pages are connected if they share at least one main contributor. This social network can be studied to reveal interesting information; for example, it is possible to extract clusters of pages which apparently have nothing in common. A metric of distance between pages in the network can be defined, and compared with other metrics, such as the distance in the category tree or in the hyperlink graph.
Wikipedia Social Network +Our work tries to study the community of users acting on a generic wiki with an automatic, general and modular process.
Wikipedia Tripartite Graph +When a user edits a Wikipedia page, we can establish a link among her, the page and the categories to which the page belongs. A model to represent this information is a tripartite graph. Aim of this project is to build a tripartite graph from Wikipedia users, pages and categories, and mine the outcome network to extract emergent semantics.
Wikipedia Category Graph +Represent Wikipedia Categories with a model based on graphs to further analyze it.


YETI +Robot per Attività Ludica di Bambini con Disturbo Autistico


ZOIDBERG - An autonomous bio-inspired Robotic fish +ZOIDBERG is a project about an autonomous bio-inspired robot. The project's aim is to realize a robotic fish actuated by a particular electroactive polymer of ICPF type (Ionic Conducting Polymer Film).
Zoidberg II, powering robot fish +This project is aimed at designing, constructing and improving autonomous robot fish, starting from the ZOIDBERG project. It will be able to swim deeply in the water, to communicate and to orient in a free space thanks to several sensors mounted on-board.
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