Andrea Bonarini
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Full professor, responsible for security of the AIRLab
This is my home page on the airwiki website. Here you can find projects and thesis proposals. For any other information you can try:
- my home page at DEI (official home page)
PhD Students I am currently tutoring
PhD Thesis Proposals
Highly Interactive Robotic Games
Interactive games with autonomous robots are one of the most challenging robotic research issues. The robot should involve the human player, both physically and behaviorally, while acting in the real world. This research requires developments in Robotics technologies, and, at the same time, the study of a novel framework of interaction. According to the competences of the candidate(s), the accent might be on robot shape, movement, behavior, interaction, signals, game design. Reference area: Robogames
Affective Computing: how emotion detection can affect pervasive computing
This research aims at investigating emotion detection from natural interaction with devices and the environment, and the impact that this information can have on the behavior of the intelligent environment. Applications range from interaction with robots and intelligent buildings, to automotive, PC-games, and entertainment. Technologies involved include video (and signal in general) analysis and computational intelligence. Reference area: Affective Computing
MS and BS thesis and project proposals
Wiki Page: Cognitive SLAM Title: Cognitive SLAM |
Wiki Page: Designing Living Objects Title: Designing Living Objects |
Wiki Page: Robot Games Title: Robot Games |
Projects I am currently tutoring
- Autonomous Robot for emotional interaction (Expressing emotions in interaction with children wih disabilities. MariaVirginiaPrati)
- Emotional Bioinspired Control (A control system able to control motors to emulate the movement of biological entities, with the possibility to show emotional features at control level. FranciscoJoseAznar SantiagoMeseguer)
- EmotionalBlueTrashBin (The goal of the project is to build an emotuional, mobile trash bin. GabrieleIannone)
- EmotionalLamp (Lamp showing emotion reactions GabrieleGhiringhelli)
- Pokety (The purpose of the project is to manifacture a pocket-size interactive robot for the amusement of children affected by autism or dyspraxia. The robot has its own personality, which is displayed in accordance with kid's movements. FlavioDeVincenti)
- SmallBasketBot (Robogame StefanoPersico)
- Temporary Unnamed Project (Simple game that consists in a robot looking for a coloured tower and the human opponents trying to guide him to another zone marked with a different colour, avoiding him to win. SamueleGiussani RiccardoConfalonieri)
- Teo Interactive (Interaction with Teo, robot for autistic children RachelWinsor)
Students I am currently tutoring
- AlessiaPaccagnella
- AngeloNasole
- DavideTateo
- EwertonLopes
- FlavioDeVincenti
- FrancescoDiGioia
- FranciscoJoseAznar
- GabrieleGhiringhelli
- GiuseppeDiFrancesco
- LorenzoSilvestrini
- MariaVirginiaPrati
- MarinaGnocco
- MatteoLucchelli
- MirzaRamicic
- RachelWinsor
- RiccardoConfalonieri
- SachinSoman
- SamueleGiussani
- SamueleLanzanova
- SantiagoMeseguer
- … further results