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Multimodal GUI for driving an autonomous wheelchair
PrjCFUMax 10  +
PrjCFUMin 5  +
PrjDescription This project pulls together different Airl Wheelchair'' (
PrjImage Image:LURCH_wheelchair.jpg  +
PrjLevel Bachelor of Science + , Master of Science +
PrjResArea BioSignal Analysis +
PrjResTopic Brain-Computer Interface +
PrjStarts 1 October 2009  +
PrjStatus Closed  +
PrjStudMax 2  +
PrjStudMin 1  +
PrjTitle Multimodal GUI for driving an autonomous wheelchair  +
PrjTutor User:MatteoMatteucci + , User:SimoneCeriani + , User:DavideMigliore +
PrjType Course +
Categories ProjectProposal  +
Modification date 28 April 2011 15:45:03  +
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