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HasResArea Affective Computing + , BioSignal Analysis + , Computer Vision and Image Analysis + , Machine Learning + , Robotics +
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Modification date 18 December 2014 14:24:27  +
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User:AlbertoGasparin + , User:AlbiVelo + , User:AlessandroCianferotti + , User:AlessandroDeangelis + , User:AlessandroGabrielli + , User:AlfredoMotta + , User:AndreaBignoli + , User:AndreaCampana + , User:AndreaCavalli + , User:AndreaPremarini + , User:AndreaScalise + , User:AndreaSemprebon + , User:AndreaSgarlata + , User:AndreaSorbelli + , User:AngeloGallarello + , User:AngeloZuffiano + , User:AntonioTripodi + , User:BernardoDalSeno + , User:Bruno Romano + , User:CarolinaArauz + HasAdvisor
Affective Robot force sensor + , HeadsetControlForWheelChair + PrjCollaborator
Ackerman vehicle autonomous drive + , Affective Robotic Rehabilitation of Upper Limbs + , Affective VideoGames + , BCI based on Motor Imagery + , BCI on Sockets + , Balancing Robot Development + , Ballbot + , Dense 3D Reconstruction + , DiffDrivePlanner + , Driving companions + , EKF on Manifolds + , I.DRIVE Data Logger + , Indoor Localization using NuZoo base station + , Integration of scanSLAM and ARToolKit in the MoonSLAM framework + , LURCH - The autonomous wheelchair + , MoonSlam + , Object Recognition with Deep Boltzmann Machines + , Object detection and tracking with camera and radar in an automotive context + , OmniSLAM + , Ovarian Cancer Detection by an Electronic Nose + PrjCoordinator
AGW + , Accurate AR Marker Location + , Ackerman vehicle autonomous drive + , Aperiodic visual stimulation in a VEP-based BCI + , Automatic Differentiation Techniques for Real Time Kalman Filtering + , Automatic generation of domain ontologies + , BCI & artifacts + , BCI based on Motor Imagery + , BCI on Sockets + , Balancing Robot Development + , Behavior recognition from visual data + , Characterization of the NIA signal + , Combinatorial optimization based on stochastic relaxation + , Combining Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and other Evolutionary techniques for combinatorial optimization + , Comparison of State of the Art Visual Odometry Systems + , Creation of new EEG training by introduction of noise + , Deep Learning on Event-Based Cameras + , DiffDrivePlanner + , Driving an autonomous wheelchair with a P300-based BCI + , Environment Monitoring + PrjTutor


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