E-2? - A robot for exhibitions

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E-2? - A robot for exhibitions
Image of the project E-2? - A robot for exhibitions
Short Description: A robot to make people come to a stand
Coordinator: AndreaBonarini (andrea.bonarini@polimi.it)
Tutor: AndreaBonarini (andrea.bonarini@polimi.it)
Collaborator: DavideRizzi ()
Students: FrancescoBalzani (francesco.balzani@mail.polimi.it), AntonioMicali (antonio88m@fastwebnet.it), ManuelMoroni (manuel.moroni@mail.polimi.it), MikhailVoronstov (mikhail.voronstov@mail.polimi.it), StefanoZaniboni (stefano1.zaniboni@mail.polimi.it), MarcoZanini (marco.zanini@mail.polimi.it), GiulioFiscella (giulio.fiscella@torrescalla.it), FedericoSem (fede_sem@tele2.it)
Research Area: Robotics
Research Topic: Robot development
Start: 2009/07/27
End: 2010/12/31
Status: Active

Aim of this project is the development of a robot that can operate autonomously at exhibitions and malls to attract people to a given location, by showing interesting behaviors.

The robot first exhibition has been at [Robotica 2009], within [HI-Tech Expo] at [Fiera di Milano], on November 23-25, 2009. Here, the robot had to go around in an area delimited by a white stripe and contact verbally and with gestures people entering the area, in order to attract them to the booth.

The robot body has been implemented in collaboration with [Pupazzia], who has designed and implemented the external shape.

Stefano Capelli is redesigning the inner body of E-2? to make it more stable and robust.

Gloria Re Calegari is working on the development of the localization system for E-2?

Maria Antonietta Di Gesu is focusing on the development of the interaction for E-2?

Manuel Moroni and Antonio Micali have worked on behaviors for E-2? for the HCI Lab Course at the master level.

Mikhail Voronstov, Stefano Zaniboni, and Marco Zanini have worked on behaviors for E-2? for the HCI Lab Course at the master level.

Giulio Fiscella and Federico Sem have worked on making more robust the face detection system, for their BS Thesisdiscussed on July 2010.

Francesco Balzani has developed some behaviors, using MRT, as its IOL first level thesis discussed on February 22, 2010, Available from the discussion page.

Davide Rizzi has implemented the hardware and control SW starting from a Janus base originally developed for [Robocup]

First images with the larger crest


Images at Robotica 2009



Some expressions.