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Pages using the property "PrjDescription"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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RoboCom+R2P +The goal of the project is to develop a Robot equipped with collision avoidance logic.
RoboGame1718-01 +(for now the project is just experimentation and doesn't have a precise focus)
RoboTheatre +Aim of this project is to develop a system to let a robot play with other human actors on a stage.
RoboTower +Robogame where a human player should prevent a robot to ruin down the home tower.
RoboWII2.1 +Development of a Robogame based on Spykee and WIIMote
Robocentric MoonSLAM +Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is one of the basic functionalities required from an autonomous robot. In the past we have developed a framework for building SLAM algorithm based on the use of the Extended Kalman Filter and vision sensors. The actual implementation of the EKF SLAM in the framework developed uses a world-centric approach, but from the literature it is known that a robocentric approach can provide higher performances on small maps. We would like to have both implementation to compare the results in two scenarios: pure visual odometry, conditional independent submapping. '''Material''' *A framework for multisensor SLAM using the world centric approach *Papers and report about robocentric slam '''Expected outcome:''' *a fully functional robocentric version of the MoonSLAM framework '''Required skills or skills to be acquired:''' *Basic background in computer vision *Background in Kalman filtering *C++ programming under Linux
Robogame +Video game-like boss battle
Robogame Strategy +Focused on the use of machine learning for supporting player modelling and behavior/strategy adjustment towards maintaining (or conversely, improving) human player engagement in PIRGs.
Robot Games +Projects may include the design of an interactive game on an existing or a new robot, and its evaluation. These projects allow to experiment with real mobile robots and interaction devices. Some games may be designed for disabled children. The project can be considered a MS thesis if it can produce a new game and, possibly, a new robot, and includes adapting the behavior of the robot to the player.
Robot Localization and Navigation With Visual Markers +Robot Localization and Navigation With Visual Markers
Robotic Battlefield Control +The goal of the project is to develop an interactive game between an autonomous robot and a remotely-controlled one, fighting for the control of a strategic point inside an arena-like playfield.
Roomba project +Roomba's control system study and modification
RunBot: a Robogame Robot +Development of a robot suitable to implement highly interactive robogames in a home environment
RunRun +Robot playing with motor impaired children


SandboxIkeWiki +This project is aimed at designing and developing a system of sandbox ontologies for the semantic wiki IkeWiki, to allow every user of the wiki to modify and test their own versions of the ontologies without compromising the whole system.
Save Robot Ryan +Interactive robogame aimed at guiding a Robot Ryan to a safe place, while protecting it against the enemy attacks
Scan Matching Odometry and Multisensor SLAM +Starting from some C/C++ code for laser scan alignment and the covariance information associated to the matching, we are interested in the development of a library for the matching and fusion of laser scans under the ROS ( environment. From this we are interested in the development of an odometric system based on laser scan matching and in a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping system integrating scan matching with visual SLAM. The result is a complete navigation system that fuses laser and visual information to build consisten maps in an EKF-based environment. '''Material:''' *a MS thesis which describes the scan matching algorithms *a BS thesis which implements a prototype of the system '''Expected outcome:''' *a complete system that build maps integrating laser scan and visual informtion '''Required skills or skills to be acquired:''' *Background on Kalman filtering *C++ programming under Linux
Scripting language on embedded platforms +JOINT PROJECT with the Embedded Systems group (contact: Patrick Bellasi When developing embedded applications it is common the need to test some algorithm in some fast way, without to re-program the whole firmware every time. PAWN ( is a *simple and lightweight scripting language with a C-like syntax*. Execution speed, stability, simplicity and a small footprint were essential design criteria for both the language and the abstract machine, making PAWN suitable for embedded applications. This project aims to port the abstract machine to ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers, add a set of functions to interface with the underlying hardware peripherals and then to embed it as ChibiOS/RT ( thread.
SeManTik +Main goal of this project is the implementation of an extension of a wiki engine that is required to manage meta-data extracted from attachments.
SeQuEx +SeQuEx finds its collocation inside the area of semantic search. Its purpose is to expand query in a semantic manner providing related concepts.
Self calibration of multiple odometric sensors +An odometric sensor measures the path followed by a robot in an incremental way (e.g., wheel mounted encoders, visual odometry, scan matching based odometry, etc.) . Having several odometry sensors mounted on the same platform can significantly improve the accuracy and robustness of the overall system but requires proper calibration of relative positioning and possible biases. We are interested in the development of techniques for the self calibration of a multi sensor based odometry sensor. These techniques could be inspired by classical non-linear optimization techniques used in the hand and eye problem but they could use techniques from Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. According to the setup, some information on the real position of the system may exists (i.e., external tracking system or GPS); the approach should be able to use this information as well. '''Material:''' *datasets with real data *a few odometric system implementations *C++ libraries for non linear optimization '''Expected outcome:''' *software for the self calibration of a set of odometry systems mounted on the same robot '''Required skills or skills to be acquired:''' *C++ programming under Linux
Semantic wiki extensions with context ontologies +This project is aimed at extending a wiki system with context ontologies about relations between documents. The semantified wiki thus allows for the automatic creation of links between pages, following the relations that link them together.
Sensor fusion for autonomous cars +This project concerns the logging and use of the data fusion coming from multiple sensor installed in a car. The data are used to generate the decisions and behavior of an autonomous car.
Shoulder myoelectric prosthesis +A wearable device for a prosthetic control with EMG signals
Simulation in robotics using UDK USARSIM +USARSim (Unified System for Automation and Robot Simulation) is a high-fidelity simulation of robots and environments based on UDK (Unreal Development Kit), the free edition of the Unreal Engine 3 game engine. It is intended as a research tool and is the basis for the RoboCup Rescue Virtual Robot Competition. The proposed project is aimed at extending USARSim along two directions: *Development of a tool for automatically generating realistic 3D worlds for robot testing. This task involves work on 3D game modelling and development using the UDK engine. *Create test arenas and perform experiment in USARSim. Simulation tools as USARSim are powerful tools for robotics, but in order to consider the results obtained in a virtual environment also valid in the real case, simulated environments must be validated through experiments performed both in virtually and with real robots. Results will be included in the USARSim project and used by the RoboCup community.
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