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This property is used to indicate the Student(s) involved in a Project.

Pages using the property "PrjStudent"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


EmotionalTrashBin +TommasoMassari  +
EmotionalTrashBin2 +SalimDarji  +
Enriching search results with semantic metadata +GiuseppeMangano  +
Extending a wiki with semantic templates +MarcoDola  +
Extraction +FabioMarfia  +


FCBot +AlbertoTiribelli  +
FaDe +GiorgioLuparia  +
Face detection +GiulioFiscella  +, FedericoSem  +
FaceAnalysisInVideogames +DavideTosetti  +
Facebook Automatic List Suggestion +LeonardoBruni  +, MarcoBessi  +
FailureDetectionMAS +MatteoGallo  +, MatteoGarza  +
Firefox Extension for Semantic Annotation +VanVungPham  +
Five's Mobile Robot Control +StefanoZappella  +
Flipperbot +FabioPaini  +, BeatricePazzucconi  +, DamianoQuadraro  +
Flying machine +TommasoMasini  +
FolksOnt +MattiaRegazzoni  +, EmanueleScapinello  +
Friendship Recommendation System based on a Social Network Topological Analysis +MicheleMonti  +


GeoOntology +TommasoSoru  +
Gestures in Videogames +GiorgioPrini  +
GesturesForRoboWII +AndreaDiGiorgio  +, GiovanniCondello  +, NicolaCrovetti  +


HRVCar +DarioSortino  +, FrancescoTogninalli  +, Bruno Romano  +
HW/SW modular architecture for robots +AndreaZoppi  +
HeadsetControlForWheelChair +RobertoVandone  +
Hide and Seek 2 +MattiaBerlusconi  +, DavideGadioli  +
High-level architecture for the control of humanoid robot +FlavioMutti  +
(previous 25) (next 25)