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Cognitive SLAM
PrjCFUMax 20  +
PrjCFUMin 5  +
PrjDescription We have developed a system that is able to t basic c and object oriented programming.
PrjImage Image:C_SLAM_Recognition2.png  +
PrjLevel Master of Science +
PrjResArea Robotics +
PrjResTopic SLAM + , Feature Extraction +
PrjStarts 1 January 2015  +
PrjStatus Active  +
PrjStudMax 2  +
PrjStudMin 1  +
PrjTitle Cognitive SLAM  +
PrjTutor User:AndreaBonarini + , User:DavideTateo +
PrjType Course + , Thesis +
Categories ProjectProposal  +
Modification date 18 December 2014 00:10:28  +
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