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Skunky +Game for children with physical impairments
SmallBasketBot +Robogame
Soccer Robots +Projects are available in different areas: * Implementation of mechanical and electronical parts of the robots for the management of the ball and kicking * Design of robot behaviors (fuzzy systems) * Coordination of robots * New sensors These projects allow to experiment with real mobile robots. Participation to the championships is a unique experience (2000 people, with 800 robots playing all sort of games...) The project can be turned into a thesis by facing different problems in depth.
SoccerBasket-Bot +The goal of the project is to develop an interactive game between an autonomous robot and a remotely-controlled one, based on the metaphor of soccer and basket.
Social Network Data Extraction from Online Communities +With the growth of the Web and the emergence of online communities, a huge amount of data regarding social relationships is now available, that was unthinkable until a few years ago. The network of connections may unveil precious information about communities structures and dynamics and the spreading of information in the Web. Aim of this project is to design and develop a software tool to extract this kind of information from a single social network platform (decided by the student). It may be required also some kind of analysis or visual representation of the collected data.
Spatial Allocation in Swarm Robotics +Methods for the allocation of an autonomous swarm of robots to spatially distributed activities.
SpeakinAbout +This project is aimed at designing and developing an application for semantic annotation of text documents, typically on the Internet. The goal is to make any user of the Internet able to associate a portion of text to its specific meaning (i.e., to a link to a page that talks about that portion of text).
SprayinWithBrain +AI and Robotics in agriculture
Stability and motion control of a balancing robot +This project is focused on the control of both stability and motion of TiltOne, a balancing robot. TiltOne is a robot with only two wheels that can stand in vertical position following an unstable equilibrium point. The control is applied by commanding an amount of torque to the wheels, allowing the robot to mantain it's gravity center vertical aligned to the wheel axis. The aim of the project proposal is to implement and compare different control solutions, based on classical approach (as PID and LQR control) and Machine Learning approach (as Reinforcement Learning control policies), that allow the robot to move following a given trajectory at a given speed.
Statistical inference for phylogenetic trees +The project will focus on the study, implementation, comparison, and analysis of different statistical inference techniques for phylogenetic trees. Phylogenetic trees (1, 2, 3) are evolutionary trees used to represent the relationships between different species with a common ancestor. Typical inference tasks concern the construction of a tree starting from DNA sequences, involving both the choice of the topology of the tree (i.e., model selection) and the values of the parameters (i.e., model fitting). The focus will be a probabilistic description of the tree, given by the introduction of stochastic variables associated to both internal nodes and leaves of the tree. The project will focus on the understanding of the problem and on the implementation of different algorithms, so (C/C++ or Matlab or R) coding will be required. Since the approach will be based on statistical models, the student is supposed to be comfortable with notions that come from probability and statistics courses. The project is thought to be extended to master thesis, according to interesting and novel directions of research that will emerge in the first part of the work. Possible ideas may concern the proposal and implementation of new algorithms, based on recent approaches to phylogenetic inference available in the literature, as in (3) and (4). In this case the thesis requires some extra effort in order to build and consolidate some background in math in oder to understand some recent literature, especially in (mathematical) statistics and, for example, in the emerging field of algebraic statistics (5). Other possible novel applications of phylogenetic trees have been proposed in contexts different from biology, as in (6). Malware (malicious software) is software designed to infiltrate a computer without the owner's informed consent. Often malwares are related to previous programs thought evolutionary relationships, i.e., new malwares appear as small mutations of previous softwares. We are interested in the use of techniques from phylogenetic trees to create a taxonomy of real world malwares. Picture taken from and Bibliography # Felsenstein 2003: Inferring Phylogenies # Semple and Steel 2003: Phylogenetics: The mathematics of phylogenetics # Louis J. Billera, Susan P. Holmes and and Karen Vogtmann Geometry of the space of phylogenetic trees. Advances in Applied Math 27, 733-767 (2001) # Evans, S.N. and Speed, T.P. (1993). Invariants of some probability models used in phylogenetic inference. Annals of Statistics 21, 355-377. # Lior Pachter, Bernd Sturmfels 2005, Algebraic Statistics for Computational Biology. # A. Walenstein, E-Md. Karim, A. Lakhotia, and L. Parida. Malware Phylogeny Generation Using Permutations of Code, Journal in Computer Virology, v1.1, 2005.
SympaBot +A nice Robot to entertain people during exhibitions. It is a cylinder of foam rubber with eyes and mouth; it is able to move itself and react to environmental stimuli, for example dance to the music,interact with people moving eyes and mouth to take sad or happy expression. Moreover, the robot should be able to follow working presentations moving his body and doing appropriate gesture, in order to make them more interesting and attractive to people who listen.


TARO Table Robot +Development of a robot that plays on a table
Tagonto +Tagonto finds its collocation inside the area of expanding folksonomies with ontologies. Its purpose is to overcome problems which arise from the lack of an underlying structure in folksonomies, exploiting all the help an ontology can give, providing related concepts (and with them related tags and contents) when a search for a keyword takes place.
Temporary Unnamed Project +Simple game that consists in a robot looking for a coloured tower and the human opponents trying to guide him to another zone marked with a different colour, avoiding him to win.
Teo Interactive +Interaction with Teo, robot for autistic children
Tesi/Stage in Milestone +Sono disponibili tre tesi/stage in collaborazione con Milestone ( nell’ambito dei videogiochi di corse automobilistiche e motociclistiche. I candidati ideali devono avere una forte motivazione personale, passione per i videogiochi e conoscenza del C++ Per maggiori informazioni, inviare una mail a '''Comportamenti di Gruppo in Videogiochi di Corse Automobilistiche''' Questa tesi prevede lo studio delle dinamiche dei comportamenti dei piloti in competizioni automobilistiche su circuito e lo sviluppo di una intelligenza artificiale in grado di imitare i comportamenti di un vero mevero pilota. In particolare, il lavoro di tesi si concentrerà su comportamenti di gruppo come i sorpassi, le manovre per evitare collisioni con altri veicoli, il recupero da situazioni di emergenza, ecc. Terminatala fase di analisi e l’implementazione di un prototipo, verrà valutata la possibilità di inserire tale implementazione all’interno di un videogioco di ultima generazione. '''Comportamenti di Gruppo in Videogiochi di Corse Motociclistiche''' Questa tesi prevede lo studio delle dinamiche dei comportamenti dei piloti in competizioni motociclistiche su circuito e lo sviluppo di una intelligenza artificiale in grado di imitare i comportamenti di un vero vero pilota. In particolare, il lavoro di tesi si concentrerà su comportamenti di gruppo come i sorpassi, le manovre per evitare collisioni con altre moto, il recupero da situazioni di emergenza, ecc. Terminata la fase di analisi e l’implementazione di un prototipo, verrà valutata la possibilità di inserire tale implementazione all’interno di un videogioco di ultima generazione. '''Intelligenza Artificiale in Videogiochi di Corse Motociclistiche''' La tesi prevede l’analisi e l’implementazione dell’intelligenza artificiale per un videogioco di corse motociclistiche. Il sistema dovrà essere in grado di eseguire in modo corretto ed efficace un insieme di manovre complesse quali: l’accelerazione da fermo, la frenata in situazioni limite, l’approccio ad una curva che preveda la fase di stacco, di impostazione, di percorrenza e di uscita, l’approccio a serie di curve, ecc. Si valuterà la possibilità di inserire tale implementazione all’interno di un videogioco di ultima generazione.
TheatreBot +Aim of this project is to produce autonomous robots able to play on stage together with human actors, possibly improvising, or in any case facing the casualities occurring on the scene.
TiltOne +Balancing robot
Tilty +Small balancing robots
Triskar +The goal of the project is to develop an omnidirectional robot controlled via joypad.
Triskar+R2P +The goal of the project is to build an omnidirectional robot based on existing hardware.


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Visual Navigation +Visual navigation is becoming more and more important in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The goal of this thesis/tesina is to review in a structured way the current state of art in the field from different perspective: research teams, projects, platforms, tasks, algorithms. The latter is the most important aspect obviously and the project should provide a clear view on what is done today, and obtaining which results. Two kind of operations are of most interest: tracking of fixed and mobile targets (and how this impact on the UAV path), navigation on a geo-referenced map. Implementing one of the standard approaches on a mini unmanned aerial vehicle would be the ideal ending of the work to turn it into a thesis. '''''Material:''''' *papers from major journals and conferences *reports from research projects '''''Expected outcome:''''' *a report with a detailed review of the state of the art organized according to the main relevant aspects (to be identified during the work) *an implementation of some state of the art algorithms for tracking or navigation '''''Required skills or skills to be acquired:''''' *proficiency in english *basic understanding of computer vision *basic understanding of filtering techniques
Use case design and implementation for semantic annotations +Semantic annotations offer a variety of possibilities to enhance the user experience while browsing the Web. Aim of this project is to propose one scenario in which their usefulness is exploited for a specific community of users. In detail the project requires to design a simple ontology which describes some kind of domain to annotate resources on the Web and implement an interface to query it and insert assertions inside a semantic store (through SPARQL). One possible example is the annotation of mp3 files available on the Web. They can be classified in genres or associated to datatype properties, such as rating, title, length and release date... also exploiting data already available in
Using WordNet to support navigation in a folksonomy +This project proposes a new approach to integrate the navigation interface of a folksonomy adding explicit semantics provided by an ontology.


ViRHaS +Omnidirectional robot, drivable in virtual reality
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