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This property is used to indicate that a Project belongs to one (ore more) Research Area.

Allowed values are all research areas: Affective Computing, Agents - Multiagent Systems - Agencies, BioSignal Analysis, Computational Intelligence and Games, Computer Vision and Image Analysis, E-Science, Machine Learning, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Social Software and Semantic Web

Pages using the property "PrjResArea"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


Exploratory data analysis by genetic feature extraction +BioSignal Analysis  +
Extended Kalman Filtering on Manifolds +Robotics  +
Extending a search engine with semantic information +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Extending a wiki with semantic templates +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Extraction +Machine Learning  +


FCBot +Robotics  +
FaDe +Affective Computing  +
Face detection +Robotics  +
FaceAnalysisInVideogames +Affective Computing  +
Facebook Automatic List Suggestion +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Facebook automatic list suggestion +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
FailureDetectionMAS +Agents - Multiagent Systems - Agencies  +
FinAgent +Agents - Multiagent Systems - Agencies  +
Firefox Extension for Semantic Annotation +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Flipperbot +Robotics  +
FolksOnt +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Friendship Recommendation System based on a Social Network Topological Analysis +Social Software and Semantic Web  +


GeoOntology +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Gestures in Videogames +Affective Computing  +
GesturesForRoboWII +Robotics  +


HW/SW modular architecture for robots +Robotics  +
HeadsetControlForWheelChair +BioSignal Analysis  +
Hide and Seek 2 +Robotics  +
High-level architecture for the control of humanoid robot +Robotics  +
Human-Like AI in Games +Computational Intelligence and Games  +
(previous 25) (next 25)