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This property is used to indicate the Student(s) involved in a Project.

Pages using the property "PrjStudent"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Human-Robot Gestual Interaction +DeborahZamponi  +, CristianMandelli  +
HumanoidRobotHead +GiacomoGiacchetti  +, RenzoVannucci  +, AngelManuelBravo  +


I.DRIVE Data Logger +AlessandroGabrielli  +
Indoor Localization using NuZoo base station +AlbertoGasparin  +, LucaMorreale  +
Indoor localization system based on a gyro and visual passive markers +DarioCecchetto  +, LorenzoConsolaro  +
Integration of scanSLAM and ARToolKit in the MoonSLAM framework +MatteoLuperto  +, MladenMazuran  +
Interaction for E-2? +MariaAntoniettaDiGesu  +
Interpretation of facial expressions and movements of the head +CristianMandelli  +


JOFS +RiccardoTasso  +, SimonePriamo  +
Jedi Robot Training 1.0 +MatteoSancini  +, StefanoRuschetta  +
Jedi Robot Training 2.0 +AdrienServier  +, AndreaNicotra  +
Jedi Robot Training 3.0 +DiegoMartinoia  +, DanieleCalandriello  +
Jedi Training Robogame +DanieleCalandriello  +, DiegoMartinoia  +, MatteoSancini  +,


KartBot +ElisaDui  +, DavideTessaro  +
King of the Hill +SaraGallo  +
Krog +MirkoGelsomini  +


LURCH - The autonomous wheelchair +DiegoConsolaro  +, LucaCalabrese  +
Laser Game Bot +NicholasColombo  +
Lastnews +AndreaMirone  +
Learning Robogames +DavideTateo  +
Learning movements with robot and buzzer +AlbertoGnemmi  +
LionHell McMillan +VittorioLumare  +
Localization of E-2? +GloriaReCalegari  +
Low Cost Laser Range Finder +GianniCristallo  +
Low-cost IMU +NguyenHo  +
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