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This property is used to indicate that a Project belongs to one (ore more) Research Area.

Allowed values are all research areas: Affective Computing, Agents - Multiagent Systems - Agencies, BioSignal Analysis, Computational Intelligence and Games, Computer Vision and Image Analysis, E-Science, Machine Learning, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Social Software and Semantic Web

Pages using the property "PrjResArea"

Showing 23 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Visual Navigation +Robotics  +
Use case design and implementation for semantic annotations +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Using WordNet to support navigation in a folksonomy +Social Software and Semantic Web  +


VEDO +Robotics  +
ViRHaS +Robotics  +
Videogame adaptation +Affective Computing  +
Visibility Rating under Foggy Conditions +Computer Vision and Image Analysis  +
Visual Odometry for an Omni-directional Camera +Computer Vision and Image Analysis  +
Visual stabilization techniques for tracking with a moving camera +Computer Vision and Image Analysis  +


Warugadar - Fusion piezoelettric and vision controllers with PYRO +Robotics  +
Websearch +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
WhereWIIAre +Robotics  +
WiizardBot +Robotics  +
Wikipedia Category Map +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Wikipedia Folksonomy +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Wikipedia Page Social Network +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Wikipedia Social Network +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Wikipedia Tripartite Graph +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Wikipedia Category Graph +Social Software and Semantic Web  +
Wireless Affective Devices +BioSignal Analysis  +


YETI +Robotics  +


ZOIDBERG - An autonomous bio-inspired Robotic fish +Robotics  +
Zoidberg II, powering robot fish +Robotics  +
(previous 25) (next 25)