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Pages using the property "PrjDescription"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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FaceAnalysisInVideogames +Analysis of the face of people involved in videogames aimed at identifying the elements that could be used as cues for interest and engagement.
Facebook Automatic List Suggestion +Goal of this project is to develop a Facebook application to analyze a user's network of friends and automatically detect groups to suggest lists.
Facebook automatic list suggestion +In Facebook each user can create ''lists'' of friends (for example: "high school","university","tennis") to better filter information and manage privacy. Goal of this project is to develop a Facebook application to analyze a user's network of friends and automatically detect groups to suggest lists.
FailureDetectionMAS +The aim of the project is to developing a MAS (Multi Agent System) for fault detection that analyzes data coming from space systems.
Five's Mobile Robot Control +The issue of the project is to develop an advanced control for a mobile robot
Flipperbot +Game for children with physical impairments
Flying machine +goal of this project is to design and develop bird-like artificial wings for a simple prototype of a machine that can fly, carrying one or more persons
FolksOnt +This project is aimed at making collaborative systems better thanks to the usage of models and technologies typical of the Semantic Web. For this project we designed and developed a graphical tool for ontology grounding which is based on folksonomies.
Friendship Recommendation System based on a Social Network Topological Analysis +This work aims at defining, applying and evaluating several algorithms for Friendship Recommendation in Online Social Networks.


GeoOntology +Development of: * a Geographic ontology thought exclusively for a semantic wiki * a Java scraper used to fill the wiki, importing geological, political, administrative, and geophysical features.
Gestures in Videogames +Analysis of gestures and facial expressions of people involved in playing a videogame (TORCS)


HW/SW modular architecture for robots +The goal of the project is to develop some modules of a HW/SW architecture for robots, and use them to implement an autonomous robot.
HeadsetControlForWheelChair +Study how it would be possible to control a wheelchair with a low-cost headset detecting biosignals such as NIA
High-level architecture for the control of humanoid robot +This project is aimed at designing and constructing a bio-inspired brain for the control of humanoid robots. The brain should be able to combine sensory information and human orders to produce a voluntary movement. At present the project has developed a model of the V1 cortex; future steps will include V2 area and analysis of movements.
Human-Like AI in Games +Developing a human-like AI is a challenging and fascinating problem from the point of view of the Artificial Intelligence research. At the same time, it is also a significative prolem for the computer games development: playing against humans is generally more exciting than playing against computers. Our projects and theses on this topic involve two different games: Unreal Tournament 2004 and TORCS. Please contact us for additional information. ;References *Drivatar in Forza Motorsport ( *TORCS ( TORCS) *Botprize ( *Daniele Loiacono's AI&R Lab Projects (
Human-Robot Gestual Interaction +Gestual interaction with people at an exhibition
HumanoidRobotHead +Lo scopo è progettare il sistema di visione stereoscopico per il robot MaximumOne azionando delle webcam con dei motori passo passo


I.DRIVE Data Logger +This project concerns the logging of data coming from multiple sensor installed in a car. This data are used to analyze the behaviours and the reactions of the driver
Indoor Localization using NuZoo base station +The goal is to perform indoor localization using low frequency base station
Indoor localization system based on a gyro and visual passive markers +This project aims at developing autonomous moving systems based on a gyro and passive markers
Information geometry and machine learning +In machine learning, we often introduce probabilistic models to handle uncertainty in the data, and most of the times due to the computational cost, we end up selecting (a priori, or even at run time) a subset of all possible statistical models for the variables that appear in the problem. From a geometrical point of view, we work with a subset (of points) of all possible statistical models, and the choice of the fittest model in out subset can be interpreted as a the point (distribution) minimizing some distance or divergence function w.r.t. the true distribution from which the observed data are sampled. From this perspective, for instance, estimation procedures can be considered as projections on the statistical model and other statistical properties of the model can be understood in geometrical terms. Information Geometry (1,2) can be described as the study of statistical properties of families of probability distributions, i.e., statistical models, by means of differential and Riemannian geometry. Information Geometry has been recently applied in different fields, both to provide a geometrical interpretation of existing algorithms, and more recently, in some contexts, to propose new techniques to generalize or improve existing approaches. Once the student is familiar with the theory of Information Geometry, the aim of the project is to apply these notions to existing machine learning algorithms. Possible ideas are the study of a particular model from the point of view of Information Geometry, for example as Hidden Markov Models, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, or Gaussian Processes, to understand if Information Geometry can give useful insights with such models. Other possible direction of research include the use of notions and ideas from Information Geometry, such as the mixed parametrization based on natural and expectation parameters (3) and/or families of divergence functions (2), in order to study model selection from a geometric perspective. For example by exploiting projections and other geometric quantities with "statistical meaning" in a statistical manifold in order to chose/build the model to use for inference purposes. Since the project has a theoretical flavor, mathematical inclined students are encouraged to apply. The project requires some extra effort in order to build and consolidate some background in math, partially in differential geometry, and especially in probability and statistics. Bibliography # Shun-ichi Amari, Hiroshi Nagaoka, Methods of Information Geometry, 2000 # Shun-ichi Amari, Information geometry of its applications: Convex function and dually flat manifold, Emerging Trends in Visual Computing (Frank Nielsen, ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5416, Springer, 2009, pp. 75–102 # Shun-ichi Amari, Information geometry on hierarchy of probability distributions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47 (2001), no. 5, 1701–1711.
Integration of scanSLAM and ARToolKit in the MoonSLAM framework +The project aims at integrating the scanSLAM algorithm with the ARToolKit localization system in the MoonSLAM framework for multi sensor SLAM.
Interaction for E-2? +Interaction capabilities development for E-2?


JOFS +JOFS is a Java project concerning the develop of an OWL ontology to store meta informations about files and documents. We have implemented a Java library which mainly permits to create, manipulate and query the ontology and a JEE Web Application to demonstrate a part of our work's characteristics.
Jedi Robot Training 3.0 +An highly competitive robotic game, which is inspired by George Lucas' Star Wars Saga.
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