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This property is used to indicate that a Project belongs to one (ore more) Research Topic.

Pages using the property "PrjResTopic"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


FaDe +Emotion from Interaction  +
Face detection +Robot development  +
FaceAnalysisInVideogames +Affective Computing And BioSignals  +
Facebook Automatic List Suggestion +Social Network Analysis  +
Facebook automatic list suggestion +Social Network Analysis  +
FinAgent +Multiagent Systems, Cooperative Negotiation  +
Firefox Extension for Semantic Annotation +Semantic Annotations  +
Five's Mobile Robot Control +Control of mobile robot  +
Flipperbot +Robot development  +
Flying machine +Flying Machines  +
FolksOnt +Semantic Tagging  +
Friendship Recommendation System based on a Social Network Topological Analysis +Social Network Analysis  +


GeoOntology +Semantic Wikis  +
Gestures in Videogames +Affective Computing And BioSignals  +
GesturesForRoboWII +Robogames  +


HW/SW modular architecture for robots +Robot development  +
HeadsetControlForWheelChair +Robot development  +
Hide and Seek 2 +Robogames  +
Human-Like AI in Games +Computational Intelligence and Games  +
Human-Robot Gestual Interaction +Robot development  +
HumanoidRobotHead +Maximum One  +


Indoor Localization using NuZoo base station +Indoor Localization  +
Information geometry and machine learning +Information Geometry  +
Integration of scanSLAM and ARToolKit in the MoonSLAM framework +Simultaneous Localization and Mapping  +
Interaction for E-2? +Robot development  +
(previous 25) (next 25)